-------------->spin on -------->- spin off
------>space fill/cpk -------->stick ----> ball-and-stick

To Rotate the Molecule--->Left Click and Drag

To Zoom-->>Left Click + hold Shift button and Drag Vertically

Jmol Menu --->>Right-Click

PDB File for Collagen Molecule click here.




BELOW: Colored by chain A (Green),B (Red) ,C (yellow) -- Grey is hydroxyproline


-------------->spin on -------->- spin off
------>space fill/cpk -------->stick ----> ball-and-stick



The collage molecule consists of 3 polypeptide chains. The amino acids shown are proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine. To see the format open the pdb file in a text editor that will show format of all the amino acids. The three helical subunits are wound together to create a triple helix. This tightly wound molecule is the most abundant protein in the human body.