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Washington State Testing 2018 -2019

Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, subjects included in the Common Core State Standards (English language arts and math) will be assessed using the Smarter Balanced system.

Washington students are tested regularly by the state to assess their progress as they move through school. State tests include the following, and may be taken with or without tools, supports, or accommodations*: 


State Test Questions and Practice/Sample Tests


English Language Arts


Released Scenarios and Items OSPI has released test questions from previous tests. Please visit our Educator Resources page for links to more sample items matching the K-12 Science Learning Standards (adopted 2009).

Smarter Balanced Practice Tests


Home Page for Washington State Department of Education

Washington Testing and Assessment Home Page

TIMSS Online Tests for grades 3 and 4, 7 and 8 and grades 11 and 12.

Tests are for Math and Science. 

An advanced Math Grade 12 is also available that requires knowledge of some calculus.



Gifted and Talented -- Math and Science

Accelerated Activities in Math and Science